Monday, January 12, 2009

Welcome to Travel Blurbs

Oh…well hello there. Welcome to Travel Blurbs. I’m Sweet Georgia Brown and when I’m not swooning on settees or sipping mint juleps, I’m having grand adventures around the world.

I grew up in the Deep South, where "vacation" meant piling into the station wagon and driving up to Memphis to stay at the highfalutin Peabody Hotel. But when I was grown, I moved to San Francisco, Cali-forn-i-a and began to explore more exotic destinations. Now, the first moment I have two pennies to rub together, I start plotting my next trip. (Why, thank you for asking! The goals for 2009 are Greece, Puerto Vallarta, and New Orleans.)

I write this blog with two like-minded travelers and friends, Rosie the Traveler and Carmen Sanfrancisco, and together we’re going to share that great big world out there with you. So come on in, shug. Make yourself right at home, put your feet up, and let’s get to swappin’ stories.

Since we just met and I don’t want to come across as too fresh, I’ll leave you with my New Year’s Travel Resolution.

Thou shalt invest in one piece of quality luggage.

I’ve never owned a self-respecting piece of luggage in my life and my current bag is an off-brand, heavy-as-an-anvil monstrosity. It falls over when stood up, it tips when you drag it behind you, and it is UGLY.

I just got back from a two-week jaunt in Asia that involved a total of nine flights, two ferries, and five hotels. And this trip was the straw that broke the camel’s back. There are two things a properly bred Southern lady never does: curse or sweat. I can only say it was a blessing Grandmother Mary Lou (rest her soul) could neither see nor hear me because I was cursin’ a blue streak and sweatin’ like a pig in the mud hauling that dreadful, war-torn piece-of-crap bag around.

When I came home my first order of business was to purchase the Samsonite Eurolite 21” Spinner bag. My sister bought a spinner bag a few years ago, and she swears there's no going back to two wheels after you have experienced the bliss of four. And would you note the price? $109 measly bucks. How have I let $109 stand between me and travel sanity for so long?! I predict I will be $1,000 happier on my next trip.

Plus, I got it in red, so that the next time I fly over the holidays and the airline misplaces my bag, I will not, for a change, see their baggage representative wilt as I utter, “It’s a black, rolling, carry-on.”

Now, the only question that remains is…where does this cute red bag want to go? More to come…


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