Thursday, April 2, 2009

Top 5 Pieces of British Slang

With the Obamas in London this week---come on, who hasn't heard about Michelle Obama touching the Queen?---I thought it appropriate to present a little lesson in British slang. England is one of my very favorite travel destinations: I love the surf culture of Cornwall, the bars in Manchester, and the seaside charm of Brighton. Here are my top five favorite pieces of slang to take with you on your next trip across the pond.

All right? - Fairly interchangeable with "how's it going?" The correct response is just to say "all right?" back again to the person who asked you in the first place. Seems a little self-defeating, sure, but go with it.

Bird/Bloke - A "bird" is a woman and a "bloke" is a man. For maximum authenticity, use these with "fit," which means attractive. ("Wow, did you see that fit bloke over there?")

Mate - Your mate is either your friend ("I'm going to the pub with my mate") or else a catch-all for anyone you're addressing somewhat affectionately. ("All right, mate?")

Chuffed - Pleased or proud. ("I was really chuffed when that fit bird talked to me.")

Gobsmacked -- Absolutely amazed. ("Yep, I was gobsmacked that fit bird talked to you too.")
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