Friday, March 20, 2009

2 Mai Tai Sipping Spots

While Hawaii doesn’t actually lay claim to the invention of the mai tai, the drink has become synonymous with the vacation experience of Diamond Head sunsets and cowabunga surfers. And anyone who’s ever had a mai tai in Hawaii can tell you, there’s something about consuming fresh, local Hawaiian ingredients in Hawaii that makes for perfect mai tai memories. A mai tai in Montana, for example, just isn’t quite as good.

While purists can argue back and forth about the precise mai tai recipe (quibbles usually come over the amount and type of rum), there are, in my opinion, two locales in Hawaii that are quintessential for sipping one of these fruity cocktails. One, in Waikiki, is the famous House Without a Key, where each evening’s sunset is ushered in by hip-shimmying hula dancers and the slack-key guitar. Yes, it’s a bit touristy, but the mai tai moments you’ll have here make for magnificent photographs and a most mellow mood of contentment that’s sure to set your vacation off on the right track.

Another of my favorite places for a mai tai is Mama’s Fish House on Maui. Located in a coconut grove right by a small but breathtaking beach, the restaurant is pure Hawaii, with menu items like sweet Maui onion soup and Big Island hearts of palm salad, plus a variety of very fresh local fish. A mai tai here puts the final—and perfect—Polynesian touch on your meal experience. Plus, it’ll make your head spin pleasantly when you go out onto the beach after your meal to watch the waves.

Cheers, and aloha!
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